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The Smart Spa side remote PCB is an add on card for the Zodiac Jandy & Pentair automated pool controllers.
Emulates AQUALINK SPALINK or Pentair Spa Side 4 or 8 button Remote to control 4 or 8 relays via Alexa voice and app commands.
Smart Spa Remote Jandy 4 and 8 work with all Jandy Power centers and remote consoles
Smart Spa Remote Pentair 4 works with Easytouch power center
Supported models-> Jandy Aqualink RS models : RS 4,6,8,12,16,24,32, 2/6, 2/10,2/14,2/22,2/30
Check out the online store below for the Smart Spa Remote that best suites you either the Jandy 4 or Jandy 8 add on card!
Provides Alexa voice and app control of your pool equipment , download the free Alexa app from the app store. Does not require you have Alexa Echo as everything can be done from the free Alexa app.
Does not require iAqualink Web Connect, Smart Alexa Spa Remote has built in Wifi with antenna. Uses your home wifi internet.
If your wifi signal is weak at your pool power center we suggest adding an extension cable. We have tested the extension cable on our store with good results. Wifi signals do not penetrate walls very well so it may be necessary to put a wifi repeater near the Jandy power center to boost the wifi reception.
Update your new or older Jandy controller with Alexa voice and app for a fraction of the cost of iAQUALINK.
Why use an outdated 4 button Remote Spa remote when you can use Alexa to control your Pool/Spa
Alexa Turn on Spa Mode
Alexa Turn on the heater
Alexa What is the water temperature
Alexa Set the water temperature to 104
Alexa Turn on Jets
Alexa Turn on Heater
You simply screw down a few wires, connect to your home wifi and ask Alexa to discover your new pool devices and you are done.
Use the free Alexa app (see screen images in photo gallery) to control your pool/spa from anywhere, turn on the spa and heater on your way home from work for a relaxing evening.
Create routines in the Alexa app to automatically turn on your water features , jets, heater, spa.
Can work in conjunction with Jandy PDA , 4 or 8 spa button remote.
Add Alexa Voice and Alexa app to older and new Jandy controllers.
Check out some of the app screen shots in the pictures below.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee , if not happy return Smart Spa Remote within 30 days for full refund !
Just purchased a home with awesome pool area.
Pool Tech recommended new Jandy for Big Money $$$
Now uses the Alexa app and voice with automated routines for controlling the Pool, Spa, Lights, Waterfalls, Jets , etc. for a few hundred dollars and he did it by himself in less than an hour.
Replace your Jandy Spalink 4 button remote with the Smartsparemote Jandy 4 or Smartsparemote Jandy 8.
Replace your Jandy Spalink 8 button remote with the Smartsparemote Jandy 8.
if you have the Jandy PDA your Jandy only supports the Smartsparemote Jandy 4.
The Smartsparemote Jandy 4 requires you have one of these control consoles so that you can program the Jandy powercenter Spalink setting.
The Smart Spa Remote Jandy 8 requires you have one of these control consoles so that you can program the Jandy powercenter Spalink settings.
Customer had an old Jandy 8 button Spalink that died, rather than try to run all new wiring and find a new Spalink she decided to install the Smart Spa Remote Jandy 8. Now she uses the Alexa echo by her pool to control the spa features and turns on the spa pump and heater on the way home from work with the Alexa app.
Using the Alexa App with Smart (Alexa) Spa Remote Jandy 4
Using the Alexa app with the Jandy 8 to control your Jandy equipment
How to install the PCB and configure Alexa
Smart Spa Remote - Jandy 8 install
Complete instructions on sett up the Jandy Powercenter, installing the PCB and configuration of Alexa
Check out this great video
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Complete instructions on installing and configuring the Smart Spa Remote and Alexa app.